Join us for the opening as part of the ART PALMA BRUNCH 2025:
Saturday, March 22nd, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m
Florit / Florit is a space in constant motion, a laboratory of ideas where artistic practices unfold in dialogue with the present and the possible. We are committed to investigating the urgencies of our time—where art, technology, and contemporary culture converge, collide, and coalesce. Our program is a continuous process of inquiry, an evolving conversation that challenges, inspires, and disrupts. Looking forward, we embrace fluidity, experimentation, and the unexpected, fostering encounters that create new pathways of thought and connection within the global art ecosystem.
Carrer de la Reina Maria Cristina, 10
07004 Palma
Islas Baleares, Spain
Opening: Tuesday January 21st, 6-9 PM
Exhibition: 22 January – 15 March 2025
Sarah Bogner, Mike Bouchet, VALIE EXPORT, Jojo Gronostay, Nschotschi Haslinger, Elke Silvia Krystufek, Xenia Lesniewski, Angelika Loderer, Lazar Lyutakov, Michèle Pagel, Gunter Reski, Maruša Sagadin, Charlotte Thrane, Julian Turner, Kay Walkowiak
curated by Xenia Lesniewski
[ ... ]
The exhibition intentionally situates itself within a
setting evocative of domestic spaces—retreats that
double as projection screens for societal and political
questions. Bedrooms, living rooms, and bathrooms are
not simply sites of intimacy but stages where power
structures and social roles are enacted and negotiated.
The notion that private spaces exist untouched by
societal dynamics is unequivocally challenged. In an age
where online communities, social media, and messaging
platforms increasingly blur the boundaries between
public and private spheres, it becomes evident how
deeply even our most intimate spaces are embedded in
global discourses. [ ... ]
Franz-Josefs-Kai 3
3rd Floor, Top 16
1010 Vienna
Opening: Wednesday October 23rd, 6-9 PM
Exhibition: 24.10 – 3.11. on selected dates and by appointment
Ava Binta Giallo, Xenia Lesniewski, Laura Nitsch, Nicole Six and Paul Petritsch, Julius Pristauz, Toni Schmale, Valentino Skarwan, Mimi Schmidl
In his performance piece ‘Body Pressure’ from 1974, the American conceptual artist Bruce Nauman instructs the viewer to press themselves against the wall of the exhibition space.
On the occasion of the works 50th anniversary, Nectar invited contemporary artists to reinterpret the work through different media and perspectives in the context of current social and political developments. These reinterpretations expand the understanding of the original work and reflect the continued relevance of Nauman’s themes today.
Curated by Sophie Halder & Claire Deuticke
Neubaugasse 8
1070 Vienna
9 & 10 November 2024, 1-6 pm
In 2024, the Open Studio Days will once again be a key event of the VIENNA ART WEEK. Around 50 artists selected by a jury of experts will open their studios across Vienna to the public. Visitors can take a look behind the scenes of artistic creation and get into conversation with the artists.
The program of the Open Studio Days will be supplemented by guided tours within the districts: The Open Studio Days District Tours will offer guided walks on Saturday, November 9, and Sunday, November 10, leading to various studios. More information can be found in the VIENNA ART WEEK program.
I’m looking forward to welcoming you in my studio at Lechnerstrasse 1-5 / 9, 1030 Vienna. (Access via Erdberger Lände 52/54, directly within the archway next to the Kindergarten.)
Full Program:
Opening: Thursday, August 8th, 7 PM
Exhibition: 9.08. – 28.09
Claudia Holzinger, Leon Höllhumer, Kai Kuss, Xenia Lesniewski, Daniel Rajcsanyi, Sophia Süßmilch, Sarah Tasha
With ANTI/BODY, FOTOHOF brings together artistic positions that use the body as a concrete tool to create narratives and images that defy clear categorization in an existing system established by a »dominant gaze« (of whatever kind). With Claudia Holzinger, Leon Höllhumer, Kai Kuss, Xenia Lesniewski, Daniel Rajcsanyi, Sophia Süßmilch and Sarah Tasha, contemporary artists have been invited who use their respective artistic practices as a strategic means of symbolic and explicit self-assertion and in this way resolutely oppose the patriarchal reason that still comes to us today from the Enlightenment with its trail of suffering of the excluded, the split off, the marginalized, the destroyed and the repressed.
The eponymous term »antibody«, which usually refers to proteins produced by the immune system to combat pathogens, symbolizes the idea of resistance and defence in this context. The selected artistic positions discuss social norms, constraints and stereotypes, explore individual and collective identities and look at forms of oppression. They create alternative perspectives on existing value systems, question traditional narratives and thus fulfill a cultural protective function that could find its counterpart in the biological nature of antibodies.
Inge Morath Platz 1–3
5020 Salzburg | AT
Finissage: Friday 20.09., 5-9 PM
Prepare yourself to immerse in an experience where salty breezes carry a sense of security amidst breathtaking mountain panoramas and Austria's deepest lake. You will find yourself at the historic Traunkirchen Ort train station with its unassuming facade, where you will encounter the legendary APOCALYPSO: A place of uniqueness; a place of collective strength, offering resilience in times of enduring crisis and disorientation.
The long-lost doomsday bar finally reemerges, providing space for contemplation on future fears, utopian visions, and common preparations for the end of the world as we know it. With its sleek lines and captivating design, APOCALYPSO promises both compensatory consumption and food for thought.
Traunkirchen Ort Bahnhof
Alte Post
4801 Traunkirchen
Salt Lake Cities STOPs and STATIONs
A project of the European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl Salzkammergut 2024
Opening: Thursday, August 2nd, 6 PM
Exhibition: 2.08. – 18.08
With works by
Charlotte Berg, Linus Berg, Elisa Diaferia and Juri Simoncini, Simon Gilmer, Rosie McGinn, Stephan Idé, Tobias Krämer, Xenia Lesniewski, Jonathan Mink, Marco-Robin Okamoto-Hopf, Alice Peach, Paola Siri Renard, Priscille Rochefeuille, Shift entity, Robin Stretz, Leonard Stephan, Reinier Vrancken, Mara Wohnhaas and Sam Holzberg
curated by
Malte Möller, Jakob Francisco, Johannes Schwalm and Lena Stewens
Magma Maria
Hafenplatz 1 - 3
63067 Offenbach a.M.
Opening: Saturday, June 29th, 5 PM
Exhibition: 29.06. – 18.08.2024
Fünfzehn geschlechterunspezifische Podexe offenbaren den Anus, ein Körperteil, der in den klassischen griechischen Statuen absichtlich ausgelassen wurde. Diese gezielte Abwesenheit spiegelt antike Ideale von Schönheit und Reinheit wider, die bestimmte Körperbereiche aus ästhetischen und moralischen Überlegungen ausklammerten.
Im Gegensatz dazu wird in der Inszenierung von CLUB FORTUNA der Anus explizit sichtbar gemacht, um die Grenzen traditioneller Darstellungen zu überschreiten und die Komplexität menschlicher Körperlichkeit zu betonen. Hier fungiert der Anus potenziell als Sexualorgan, bleibt jedoch ohne identitäre Zuschreibung. Durch die bewusste Präsentation eines Merkmals, das weder ausschließlich männlich noch weiblich ist, wird die Diversität und Fluidität von Geschlechtsidentitäten hervorgehoben.
Diese Darstellungsweise dient als kritischer Kommentar zur historischen und kulturellen Konstruktion von Geschlecht und Sexualität. Im Kontext eines Lustgartens fordert sie die Betrachtenden dazu auf, die Vielfalt menschlicher Existenz zu zelebrieren. Die geschlechterunspezifischen Podexe machen somit die oft unsichtbaren Aspekte der Körperlichkeit und Identitätsbildung sichtbar und laden zur Reflexion über die sozialen und kulturellen Normen ein, die unsere Wahrnehmung von Körper und Identität prägen.
Part of the AIR101 exhibition program & Salzkammergut Festwochen Gmunden
KunstQuartier Gmunden
Johann-Tagwerker-Straße 12
4810 Gmunden
Opening Weekend: 12.07.-14.07
Duration: 13.07. - 20.07., 2-6 pm
For 14 years now, Bad Gastein has become a hotspot for contemporary art during the summer months. The mission of the sommer.frische.kunst. festival and its founder, Andrea von Goetz, is to make art accessible to visitors in a special location. In combination with the spectacular mountain scenery of the Austrian Alps and the unique architecture of Bad Gastein, the art festival in the summer of 2024 will be a journey from the past into the future.
Xenia Lesniewski curated by Raquel Victoria
Join us for the opening as part of the ART PALMA BRUNCH 2024: Saturday, March 23rd, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m
Exhibition: 24.03 – 18.05.2024
In collaboration with Ayuntamiento de Palma, Consell de Mallorca, Art Palma Contemporani and ACCAIB.
La Misericòrdia
Plaça de l'Hospital 4
07012 Palma
Illes Balears
Opening: Tuesday, February 6th, 6 – 8PM
Exhibition: Februar 7th – March 16th, 2024
curated by Markus Proschek
Zeller van Almsick
Franz Josefs Kai 3/16
1010 Wien
Opening: October 4, 7pm
Exhibition: October 4, 2023 - February 18, 2024
Alfredo Barsuglia, Zrinka Budimlija, Julia Bugram, Friedemann Derschmidt & Alaa Alkurdi, Louise Deininger, Hannes Egger, eSeL (Lorenz Seidler), Aldo Giannotti, Soli Kiani, Xenia Lesniewski, Anna Meyer, Małgorzata Mirga-Tas, Gabriela Oberkofler, Danielle Pamp, Christiane Peschek, Schmusechor, Peter Senoner, Esther Strauß
Künstlerhaus Wien
Karlsplatz 5
1010 Wien
Opening: November 7, 6 pm
Exhibition: November 8, 2023 - January 26, 2024
Praterstrasse 13/1/2
1020 Wien
Opening: December 7, 4-9 pm
Exhibition: December 8 - 23, 12 am - 7 pm
With works by Ana Vollwesen / Anny Wass / Arnulf Rainer / Begi Guggenheim / Ben Reyer / Björn Segschneider / Brigitte Kowanz / Cary Leibowitz / Ceramic Goons / Christian Eisenberger / Coco Wasabi / Constantin Luser / Daniel & Vanessa Mazanik / Danijel Radić / Elfie Semotan / Elisabeth von Samsonow / Erwin Wurm / Estate Brigitte Kowanz x Thekla Kaischauri / Franz Graf / Franz West / Francesca Centonze / Gelatin / Georgij Melnikov / Gert Resinger / Gisela Stiegler / Hermann Nitsch / Herbert Brandl / Josepha Edbauer / Ju Aichinger / Kata Oelschlägel / Kalina Horon / Katrin S. Weidhofer / Kristina Deska Nikolic / Laurent Ajina / Lena Rot / Marcus Geier / Marco Dessi & Rupert Zallmann / Margarita Merkulova / Mario Grubisic / Martin Grandits / Panos Papadopoulos/ Michi Lukas / Nana Mandl / Nikola Milojcevic / Osama Zatar / Oswald Oberhuber / Peter Hoiss / Peter Sandbichler / Rade Petrasevic / Red Huemer / Sébastien de Ganay / Soli Kiani / Sophia Süßmilch / studio högl borowski / Taro Meissner / Thomas Supper / Valentina Schandl / Wendy Jim / WeProductions / Xenia Lesniewski
Kärntner Strasse 39
1010 Wien
Together with the amazing Zein Editions I have developed a very special APOCALYPSO Edition, which is going to be presented for the very first time together with unique editions by Xenia Hausner, Hermann Nitsch and Joseph Zekoff at Parallel Vienna 2023.
Opening: September 5, 5pm
Fair days: October 6 - 10
Otto Wagner Areal
Baumgartner Höhe 1
1140 Vienna
Opening: May 25, 7pm
Exhibition: May 26 - August 27, 2023
Body and Territory
brings together more than 45 artistic positions around the themes of body and identity – such as the regulation of the body, together with its resistance to classifications and categories – with a focus on radical performance and feminist legacy.
Marina Abramović, Josef Bauer, Ana Brus, Günter Brus, CLUB FORTUNA, Lea Culetto, Josef Dabernig, Katrina Daschner, Vlasta Delimar, Ines Doujak & John Barker, Ana Nuša Dragan, Srečo Dragan, VALIE EXPORT, Susanna Flock, Gelitin, Tomislav Gotovac, Skupina OHO, Marina Gržinić & Aina Šmid, Nilbar Güreş, Peter Gerwin Hoffmann, IRWIN, Sanja Iveković, Željko Jerman, Anna Jermolaewa, Birgit Jürgenssen, Richard Kriesche, Nina Kurtela, Katalin Ladik, Laibach, Marko Lulić, Luiza Margan, Marko Marković, Branko Milisković, F. J. Nestler-Rebeau, Friederike Pezold, Neli Ružić, Toni Schmale, Mladen Stilinović, Ingeborg Strobl, Slaven Tolj & Marija Grazio, Milica Tomić, Peter Weibel, Erwin Wurm, Vlasta Žanić
Kunsthaus Graz
Lendkai 1
8020 Graz
Delikatessen & Deliziöses
zusammengestellt von Anna Ebner-Quadri (and the editions) & Ela Nord
Andrea Auer, Dirke Blair, Debora Delmar, Steven Emmanuel, Thomas Geiger, Wade Guyton, Gesine Hackenberg, Carsten Höller, Pierre Huyghe, Jutta Koether, LAX BAR, Xenia Lesniewski, Lilli Nagy, Anna Paul, Manfred Pernice, Karin Sander, Hans Schabus, Gisbert Stach
Wednesday June 21, 6 - 22 pm
Ela Nord Studio
Am grünen Prater 13 / 3.OG / Top 23
1020 Wien
Galerie Oel-Früh
Friday June 9, 7 pm
Including the one day show SCHRANK SCHARANK II with works by Dominika Bednarsky, Dejan Dukic, CLUB FORTUNA, Jakob Francisco, Norman Hildebrandt, Arbnor Karaliti, Jil Lahr, Anna Ley, Elisa Manig, Matthew Muir, Hans Saylors, Regine Schulz, Rene Wagner, Elisabeth Windisch and sound performances by JΛVI ΛCEVEDO, Pfützen, Internet Offline, AOL & Double Dog
Galerie Oel Früh
Marckmannstrasse 32
20539 Hamburg
Galerie Oel-Früh
Opening: May 12, 7 pm
Exhibition: May 13 - June 10, 2023
Performance Night & Finissage: June 9, 7 pm
Galerie Oel Früh
Marckmannstrasse 32
20539 Hamburg
Schauspielhaus Wien
Friday April 14 2023
Doors: 7 pm -> buy Tickets
Robert Stijn (Amsterdam/Holland) Performance / Albert Mayr (Vie) Installation/Soundperformance / Julian Sartorius (Berne/CH) Solo Drums / Gischt (Vie) Industrial/Ambient/Techno / Club Fortuna (Vie) Performance / Mermaid and Seafruit (Vie) Hardstyle Gospel/Grime/Noise / Marta Navaridas (Graz) performative Drawing
Saturday April 15 2023
Doors: 7 pm -> buy Tickets
Samuel Schaab feat Sixtus Preiss & Caroline Preuschl (Vie) Sound/Performance/Objects / Robert Stijn (Amsterdam/Holland) Performance / Moet (Graz) Glam Tech/Punk / Hans Schabus (Vie) Sculpture/Installation / Innode (Vie) Rhythm & Noise/Percussive Electronica / James // Annalena Fröhlich (Brussels/Belgium) Experimental Pop/Videoperformance
Curated by Samuel Schaab and Jacob Suske
Schauspielhaus Wien
Porzellangasse 19
1090 Wien
Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb
Opening: December 7
Exhibition: December 8, 2022 - April 16, 2023
John Barker / Josef Bauer/ Joachim Baur / Anna Brus / Günter Brus / Club Fortuna / Josef Dabernig / Katrina Daschner/ Ines Doujak / VALIE EXPORT/ Susanna Flock / Gelitin / Nilbar Güreş / Peter Gerwin Hoffmann / Anna Hoffner / Isabella Hollauf / Anna Jermolaewa / Birgit Jürgenssen / Marko Lulić / Richard Kriesche / Maria Lassnig / Luiza Margan / Dorit Margreiter / Friederike Pezold / F.J. Nestler Rebeau / Gerhard Rühm / Toni Schmale / Ingeborg Strobl / Peter Weibel / Erwin Wurm
Curated by Jasna Jakšić & Radmila Iva Janković
MSU Zagreb
Av. Dubrovnik 17
10000 Zagreb
Opening: January 26, 6 - 9 pm
January 27 – March 4, 2023
Franz-Josefs-Kai 3 | Top 16
1010 Wien
Opening: November 5, 5 pm
Kuratiert von Elisabeth Windisch und Julia Moebus-Puck
Quartier am Hafen
Poller Kirchweg 78 - 90
51105 Köln-Poll
Museum Of Urban Culture
Opening: November 4, 7 pm
Im ehemaligen Stadthaus eines Juweliers in der Offenbacher Fussgängerzone entsteht im Herbst und Winter 2022/23 mit dem Diamant Offenbach temporär, für viereinhalb Monate ein neuer sozialer Ort, ein Museum für Urbane Kultur und eine Schule für kreatives Handeln.
Museum Of Urban Culture
Frankfurter Straße 8
63065 Offenbach am Main
Opening: October 6, 6 - 10 pm
Ismini Adami, Stefan Brandmayr, Cäcilia Brown, Marina Faust, Jojo Gronostay, Helmut Heiss feat. Mme Psychosis, Ma Jia, Kisling, Xenia Lesniewski, Edgar Lessig, Lihi Levie, Lihi Levie Stephan Lugbauer, Thea Möller, Elisabeth Penker, Liesl Raff, Jörg Reissner, Samuel Schaab, Mima Schwahn, Robert Schwarz, Nino Stelzl, Christoph Vogelbauer & Johanna Steiner, Hans Weigand, Elisabeth Windisch
Kuratiert von Albert Mayr & Robert Pawliczek
Simmeringer Hauptstrasse 153
1110 Wien
AUGUST 5, 5-10 PM
Part of the AIR101 exhibition program & Salzkammergut Festwochen Gmunden
Johann-Tagwerker-Straße 12
4810 Gmunden
Let's toast to our future and discover the possibilities ahead!
Friday, July 22, 6 pm
July 23 — September 4, 2022
Art Walk Art Walk at Kaiser-Wilhelm-Promenade:
July 29, 7 pm
sommer.frische.kunst. 2022
Festival of Contemporary Art
Anlässlich der Salzkammergut Festwochen
Anna Jermolaewa, Constantin Luser, Peter Sandbichler, Eva Schlegel
AIR 101 @ Garten
Sofia Goscinski, Xenia Lesniewski, Anna Paul, Marit Wolters
AIR 101 @ Kirche
Luka Jana Berchtold, Dejan Dukic, Hanakam & Schuller, Julia Haugeneder, Thea Moeller, Toni Schmale
EPHEMERE: 1. Juli, 18 Uhr / Hipp-Halle Gmunden
AIR 101 @ Garten: 2. Juli, 15 Uhr / Stadtgarten Gmunden
AIR 101 @ Kirche: 2. Juli, 19 Uhr / Bürgerspitalkirche St. Jakob
Ausstellungsdauer: 2. bis 31. Juli 2022
What are you prepping for?
Opening: June 10, 6 - 10 pm
Kong oscars gate 11
5017 Bergen
With kind support of the City of Bergen, the Federal Ministry Republic of Austria & the Austrian Embassy in Oslo
Club Fortuna | Jurgis Gečys | Linda Reif | Markus Oberndorfer I Mima Schwahn | Rade Petrašević | Sira-Zoé Schmid
April 14, 6 pm
14. April 2022 bis 19. Mai 2022
Bildraum Studio
Brotfabrik Wien
Absberggasse 27 / Stiege 9
1100 Wien
Jakob Dietrich & Kai Maier-Rothe, Herbert Egger, Mascha Illich, Xenia Lesniewski, Zoe Vitzthum
February 19, 3 - 6 pm
February 20 - March 3, 2022
Schillerstrasse 42
4020 Linz
“Stand for something so you don’t become a stagnant, complaisant retailer that packs its shelves with stuff.” (A. E. Medina, former editor in chief of Design:Retail)
Groupshow curated by Klaus Speidel.
February, 2nd until February, 13th 2022
Kunsthalle Wien
Museumsplatz 1
1070 Vienna
Let's toast to our future and discover the possibilities ahead!
October 28, 7 - 9 pm
Exhibition: October 29, 2021 — January 7, 2022
HAPPY HOUR in Cooperation with VIENNA ART WEEK: November 17, 7 - 9 pm
Friday January 7, 5 - 8 pm
Bildraum 01
Strauchgasse 2
1010 Vienna
With the kind support of
Opening: November 13, 12 am - 8 pm
Exhibition: November 14 — November 19
Participating Artists
AKT • Artists for Future • Uli Aigner • Anderwald + Grond • astro.polygon • Negra Bernhard • Robert Bodnar • Norbert Brunner • John Cage • Bernhard Cella • Crisfor • Ramesch Daha • Louise Deininger •Dejan Dukic • Christian Eisenberger • Scott Clifford Evans • Thomas Feuerstein • Fanni Futterknecht • Vidya Gastaldon • Gelitin • Birgit Graschopf • Oliver Hangl • Mathias Hanin • Peter Hoiß • Clemens Hollerer • honey & bunny • IDRV • Anna Jermolaewa • Steffen Jørgensen • Dejana Kabiljo • Soli Kiani • Michael Kienzer • Lars Kollros • Michal Kosakowski • Isidora Krstic • Kristina Kulakova • Florian Lang • Hannes Lehner • Xenia Lesniewski + Norman Hildebrandt • Rafael Lippuner • Ernst Logar • Michael Lukas + Katharina Kostroubina • Jakub Matuška • Anna Meyer • Jyoti Mistry • Klaus Mosettig • MUME • mutual loop (Martina Tritthart, Holger Lang) • Bruce Nauman • Hannah Neckel • Navid Nuur • Nychos • Drago Persic • Linus Riepler • Almut Rink • Gerwald Rockenschaub • Elisabeth Samsonow • Peter Sandbichler • Robert Schaberl • Hubert Scheibl • Anneliese Schrenk • Cindy Sherman • Santiago Sierra • Sobekcis • James Tabi-Tataw • Eduard Tauss • Javier Téllez • Timotheus Tomicek • Daniela Trinkl • Brittany Tucker • Hana Usui • VERY REAL ESTATE • Esther Vörösmarty und Martin Sommer • Yun Wang • Christoph Weber • Micha Wille • Erwin Wurm • Hui Ye
Nordwestbahnstrasse 53
1200 Vienna
September 12, 3 - 7 pm
Martin Bischof, Ines Doujak, Beate Gatschelhofer, Julia Grybos & Barbora Zentkova, Lukas Hochrieder, Denisa Lehocka, Thea Moeller, Nilbar Güres
Raumintervention: Club Fortuna
curated by Barbara Horvath
Exhibition: 13. Juli – 28. November 2021
Kunstverein Eisenstadt
Joseph Haydn-Gasse 1g 2
7000 Eisenstadt
Adrian Buschmann, Alex Ito, Catherine Biocca, Débora Delmar, Dennis Buck, Fette Sans, Jasmin Werner, Julian-Jakob Kneer, Lilli Thiessen, Sophie Gogl, Sophie Serber, Tilman Hornig, Timon & Melchior Grau, Xenia Lesniewski
May 19, 4 - 9 pm
May 20 — July 17, 2021
Shore x Zeller van Almsick
Spitalgasse 27
1090 Vienna
In the exhibition IT’S NOT OVER TILL IT’S OVER, CLUB FORTUNA and Maja Štefančíková symbolize the situation that the whole world is presently facing. Within their complicity, the artists have transformed the exhibition space into a waiting room, which resembles the waiting rooms of hospitals, casualty wards, airports, and train stations, a place that nobody really likes, that is something transitory, temporary, and without identity.
We can understand the installation both as a room waiting for us and as a space where we are allowed to come and wait for the moment when COVID-19 will be gone, when it will be over. We are waiting for the future past.
Exhibition duration: January, 25 till April 11, 2021
Kunstverein Eisenstadt
Joseph Haydn-Gasse 1
7000 Eisenstadt
The new program format Art Melange invites every afternoon from Monday, November 16 to Friday, November 20, for informal online conversations about art with selected artists from the Open Studio Days. The one-hour exchange with Xenia Lesniewski takes place on Zoom and is moderated by Lisa Moravec.
ROOM 6.03
Opening: Tuesday 22 September 2020, 5 - 10 pm
Opening Hours: 23 September - Sunday 27 September 2020, 12am –7pm
Parallel Vienna
Rudolf-Sallinger-Platz 1
1030 Vienna
Skulpturenpark Schloss25
Julia Avramidis / Ona B. / Julia Belova / Magda Csutak / Sofia Goscinski / Alina Ilonka Hagenschulte / Luisa Kasalicky / Vera Klimentyeva / Ernst Lima / Xenia Lesniewski / Nana Mandl / Hannah Neckel / Elsa Okazaki / Christiane Peschek / Michaela Putz / Julia Riederer / Anabell Scheffold / Sarah Sternat / Céline Struger / Stephanie Winter
Opening: Sunday 20 Septembere 2020, 2 - 8 pm
Jagdschlossgasse 25
1130 Vienna
Minda Andrén / Jagoda Bednarsky / Eva Beresin / Michael Fanta / Kerstin von Gabain / Gelitin / Nicholas Grafia / Eiko Gröschl / Nschotschi Haslinger / Karolina Jabłońska / Anna Jermolaewa / Charlotte Klobassa / Max Kolten / Xenia Lesniewski / Josip Novosel / Evelyn Plaschg / Tim Sandow / Grace Weaver / Marlon Wobst / Sonja Yakovleva
Thursday, July 9, 7 – 9 pm
July 10 – August 22, 2020
Opening hours: Wednesday – Saturday 12 – 6 pm & by appointment
Franz-Josefs-Kai 3
1010 Vienna